3 print marketing trends in 2023 to target Millennials

A fascinating piece published by USPSDelivers.com indicates that print marketing effectively reaches Millennials, which comprise 21.67% of the US population. Marketing trends should therefore be tailored to reach this target audience, which has significant purchasing power in 2023.

Here are some ways you can power up your marketing campaigns to make them more impactful for Millennials:

Leverage direct mail.

USPS Delivers writes that 75% of Millennials “feel special” when they receive direct mail, and 62% of them actually visited a store in person in the last month based on what they received in the mail. These two statistics indicate that Millennials spend a lot of time with physical advertisements, and you would lose out on this market if you neglect print advertisements.

Harness omnichannel marketing.

Marketing trends in 2023 all talk about omnichannel marketing — providing a consistent message regardless of the channel, whether print, digital, or both. USPS Delivers agrees with this sentiment, stating that Millennials seldom open marketing emails and are likelier to use ad blockers.

So, making your print advertisements seamless with a digital experience would be best. You could combine your social media campaigns with your print marketing campaigns by using QR codes or promo codes that your audience can use when checking out digitally.

Enhance quality.

Enhancing quality means improving the quality of your paper, design, and messaging. Marketing trends highlight the need for sustainable materials, superb packaging, and unique designs. As digital natives, Millennials are used to sophisticated fonts and designs, so they need something that will stand out. And if you’re trying to target them, then your materials should be able to stand out from the crowd.

There are more things to consider when using print marketing to capture a specific audience. If you are looking for a direct mail partner, look no further than Print Time today. Check out our list of services to get started.



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