Modern Printing Styles to Elevate Your Designs

Modern Printing Styles to Elevate Your Designs

Modern printing is the answer to target audiences’ dwindling attention spans, thanks to so many new forms of marketing media. Suppose your company’s printed materials and collaterals aren’t doing the trick of attracting more customers to your business. It may be time to change up your branding and try creative printing techniques.

White space is your friend

Any designer will remind you that cramming too much into one design can only lead to disaster. As with everything, keep everything from the text to images and décor in moderation. This is why white space matters in modern printing — it allows the viewer’s eyes to roam comfortably and focus on the most important aspects of your design, such as product images, promotional pricing, and more. It also gives your print a “cleaner” and more professional appearance.

Make it tactile

People love to touch things, especially when shopping for products or services. Being able to touch something leaves a more lasting impression on someone. Employ tactility in your printed materials, especially company cards, brochures, and other items typically handed to customers. Embossing designs, heavier or textured paper, laser engraving, and other options can add tactility to a design.

Don’t compromise on photo quality

Modern printing calls for more stringent quality, including images or photos. If you’re adding images of people to your marketing, ensure the images are professional and high-resolution. Customers associate high quality with professionalism and immediately notice low-quality photo printing at a glance. Reinforce your brand’s expertise and professionalism through professional photos.

Opt for a layered design

Use various design elements (but resist the urge to clutter). Layered designs make modern design more interesting without overloading the viewer with information. For example, you can use an image overlay on some areas of big, bold, single-word headline text. Add a touch of playfulness with block colors around the borders.

If you’re unsure about how much or how little to put into your design, don’t forget to consult a well-versed professional in modern design techniques. They’ll help you elevate the way your prints come out.

Make your prints a treat for the eyes and watch customer engagement rise. Visit us today for more modern printing techniques.

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