Print Time on How to Use Media in Education

Visual learning with educational media can be incredibly beneficial for lecturers and teachers. Humans are typically visual learners—understanding concepts, facts, and processes become much easier with examples and imagery that help the brain form comprehension.

For teachers, it’s vital as educational media can aid significantly in developing young minds in the classroom. Consider the following ways of using educational media in the classroom:

  • Big, colorful posters – Students’ eyes are naturally attracted to bright colors displaying a variety of facts, processes, or examples. You can use them as a guide during your lectures to help students better understand the lecture. You can also keep these large posters on the walls after the lesson to reinforce the concept among students.
  • Collages – Printed collages, often displaying a collection of articles or images, help students better understand categories and classifications. It can even help them create compendiums and have a place to refer to that holds all their references, such as newspaper clippings.
  • Comics or narrative graphics – Educational media has long used comics and comic strips to help people explain processes, concepts, or ideas. For students, a comic is fun and engaging, and they may be able to relate to the character the comic is about. It may also help them understand instructions, like an infographic, when a comic displays step-by-step processes.
  • Photographs – Tried and tested, photographs are one of the best educational media forms used in a classroom. It’s especially poignant in the internet age, where students are more accustomed to seeing photos and images on social media. Using pictures to display or explain something makes them more interested.

Don’t be afraid to use different types of media in the classroom. Far from a distraction, media in both digital and printed forms can be beneficial in finally getting your group or classroom to understand hard-to-grasp ideas and concepts and make things simpler for teachers.

Clear, brightly-colored print media are more than just classroom aids; they can be used as decoration too! Visit Print Time to find options for beautifully printed classroom aids for your school and teachers today.


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