Print Time On New Printing Trends This Fall

Printing trends come and go, but it makes sense to stay abreast of them to remain competitive and to maintain your cutting edge. Despite digitization, the advent of gimmicky print-outs, and more, printing materials for your business continues to be on trend.

Here are some trends that we’re seeing this fall of 2023.

Out-of-the-box designs

Perhaps it’s the colors or the upcoming holidays, but we’re seeing an influx of out-of-the-box designs from our clients today. Gone are the straightforward pamphlets and brochures; today, we’re printing jack-o-lantern boxes with unique messaging. Some leaflets are printed in exciting shapes, and collaterals are printed on everyday items. There are a lot of impressive materials today that are leveraging print while continuing to get the message across.

In-your-face palettes

Among the printing trends we’ve seen this fall is the break from black and white and the indulgence in color. It’s not just a heavy hue of orange or brown, however. Our clients would combine autumn colors with a key color as the focal point. The result is awe-inspiring: a brilliant way of communicating the message through colors, making them literally pop.

Extraordinary ideas

The materials we’ve printed so far this fall are all very interesting because the copy has deviated from wordy and explanatory to the time-tested adage of show-and-not-tell. We’ve seen materials with just a little text; the rest of the paper is filled with an image or idea. These printing trends show that companies are now putting effort into creating marketing collaterals that have never been done before.

We at Print Time are very excited about these trends and cannot wait to see how our other clients will apply them. Should you need full graphic design support to create these masterpieces, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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