Print Time on How to Use Print Marketing in a Digital World

Businesses are increasingly focusing on their digital marketing efforts. However, print marketing remains a powerful tool for increasing customer awareness and attracting new customers. In a survey by FedEx Office, 9 out of 10 consumers believe that printed materials will always be needed. Meanwhile, 4 out of 5 small businesses believe that utilizing printing services helps them differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Many people stash brochures and menus in drawers, whereas most people will close a digital ad or scroll past it. Also, unlike digital ads that only run for as long as you can pay for them, print products can be kept indefinitely. Flyers and leaflets can be referred to, stashed away, and looked at again. They can even be passed on to other people, extending your business’s reach.

Here are some creative ways to utilize print marketing alongside your digital marketing strategy and reap its unique benefits.

Give customers a choice between print and digital

An easy way to cater to customers who prefer to receive printed marketing materials is by offering this option on your website. You can have customers indicate whether they prefer direct mail or email on a digital subscription form. If they choose the former, you can send them brochures, flyers, and even useful branded gifts to help keep you top of mind. If they choose the latter, utilize email marketing and other online efforts to engage your customers further, and earn their business.

Use social media reviews on print products

Testimonials are incredibly effective at building trust. To get the most mileage out of your positive reviews on social media, incorporate them in your print marketing. Integrating them in direct mailers and brochures not only assures your customers that you’re trustworthy—it also lets them know about your social media pages.


When used correctly, print marketing and its digital counterpart can complement each other and improve your marketing approach’s overall effectiveness. For more ideas on using print products to further your business’ goals, get in touch with Print Time.

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