PrintTime Explains: Does Paper Quality Matter When It Comes To Printing?

Among printers and marketers, paper quality can be a contentious decision. However, for most people, squabbling or even thinking too deeply about paper quality is seen as an exaggeration, likened to bridezillas stressing over their invitation paper or Patrick Bateman panicking about the paper in his colleagues’ business cards. But paper quality does matter, especially when the goal is to express a specific personality or characteristic of the brand.

And the power of paper quality expresses itself in different ways:

  • Tactile Difference

The reason people have stronger reactions to physical marketing collaterals like posters, brochures, business cards, flyers, and other similar paper products is because of its tactility. It’s something that can be seen and touched in the real world, eliciting a reaction. Different textures and weights in the paper can showcase the brand’s image in physical form.

  • Longevity and Professionalism

Quality means professionalism. A brand that shows high quality, in paper or otherwise, gives the onlooker or the potential customer a feel of professionalism in what they do. The longevity of the collateral also depends strongly on paper quality. Good material also lasts longer, which is another indicator of expert, professional work. Furthermore, these materials can withstand being beaten around.  

  • Better Presentation

Paper quality can also influence how well a design appears. Excellent printing technology can be available, but it won’t look good if printed on cheap material. Different printing techniques are also better on different materials. Some printing methods look much better on cardstock. Others are more striking on a glossy-coated finish. It all depends on what the brand is trying to express.

Paper quality isn’t another frivolous consideration. It’s all part of the greater marketing purpose, which is to lend credibility to a brand and express the kind of image it wants to project. With the right paper and the most quality print job possible, a brand can present itself with its best foot forward.

Need paper options? Visit Print Time to find out what kind of papers are available and what can work best for your needs.

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